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 After two long years, the Democratic Republic of Congo's 10th Ebola outbreak has ended just as covid 19 extends its reach globally and with the world's largest measles outbreak still raging. Paul Adepoju reportsThe world's second largest Ebola outbreak is over.Yet DRC's health system continues to be stretched. The country is struggling to control the world's largest measles outbreak, which started in 2019 in the south east and has shown numbers exceeding the Ebola epidemic with around 7000 deaths from over 375 000 confirmed cases.2 Children under 5 account for 74% of infections and nearly 9 in 10 deaths.And then there is covid 19. Complementing the banquet for your palate and the music for the soul, the walls of the High Note Caf provide a feast for the eyes. It can take all night to digest all the opera and concert posters, autographed black and white glossies, and music memorabilia. This room is awash with the love of music.. Summary of results The movies were